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  1. What are the delivery times? Right now, our current delivery timelines are around 3 weeks. During periods of high volume delivery may take a bit longer than 3 weeks but every day we're hustling hard to get back to our regular schedule of 2 weeks as quickly as we can. And seriously, we appreciate you and all our customers ...
  2. What happens if I am absent when my order is delivered? We've got you covered when it comes to delivery! We use a courier service that never leaves a package without the recipient's approval. If you're not home at delivery, they won't just leave your package and run. Instead, they'll leave a sticky note on your door asking you to get in touch with ...
  3. How can I check the status of my order? We have a page entirely dedicated to orders, so you can keep tabs on your delivery at your convenience . It's a great idea to check out our current delivery timeframe to make sure your order is still on track. This can help you gauge when to expect your order based on the average delivery times ...
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If you have any questions or need additional information please mail us